Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blueprints For A Small Wooden Catapult What Is The Best Design For A Fast, Small, Wooden Boat For A School Project And A Boat Race?

What is the best design for a fast, small, wooden boat for a school project and a boat race? - blueprints for a small wooden catapult

The boat must be 0.5 meters long, made of wood or metal, and can be at least 6 pounds. Styrofoam is not allowed. You must have a screw, and of course, to operate a motor. In addition, the boat has a sail design. It should also be quick, because we have a regatta and the winner will have a cash prize. Please help ... we need to ship finished 9th October. Thank you!

PS I'm going on the boat ... I just put 6 kg in weight (a set of weights made of metal) in the boat.

If you have a website that the ship design or designs for free shows want to know, then also argued that, ok?

Thank you!


stinkydo... said...

Ship was 0.5 meters long (19 "), wood or metal, and can be at least 6 pounds. (Payload, apart from its own weight, a motorcycle battery may be of some 6 kg) .. You must have a screw be), and of course, work on an engine. (use an electric motor and propeller aircraft in the air boat also sails the vessel design. (A-mast no problem, should be around) furl a sail, and the Security Cabinet too fast to be (oh yes), because we have a race and the winner will have a cash prize. (It is always nice, is the winner). I just put 6 kg in weight (a set of weights made of metal) in the boat.

Use the general shape and dimensions of the vehicle, but under the block to balsa wood and glue 4x4 floating in a raft catamaran Buy

Use an oar hold air. Contact your local Amateur RC, you can borrow 90% of things together.

Alternative to the fin with 2 bottles of soda, which was 6 liters a fin. Tape and Straping andSome alum rod to tie them together.

Good luck.

rataflim... said...

I would say the best setup would be a Tri-Maran. You can get a lot of common space on the garbage, the weight, but not much movement in the water. It may also be better if you use metal pipes or plastic shell. This allows you to remain strong, maintaining a low resistance to be themselves (because the water is directly) through the fuselage instead of shutting off the water.

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