Monday, January 4, 2010

Are There Different Type Bee Bop Band Does A Yellow Jacket, Wasps, And Bees Have Different Types Of Venom?

Does a yellow jacket, wasps, and bees have different types of venom? - are there different type bee bop band

What are the different types have different poison others? my 4 years old was stung by a wasp and yellow jacket in the last 2 years, but not a reaction to eiht I wandered around?


rosieC said...

Yes, although many species of insects in the United States can inflict poisonous bites or Sting (that is, they are toxic), insects are most likely to cause health problems are honeybees (including honey bees, their Africanized "killer bees" race, and the drone), wasps (including paper wasps, hornets and wasps) and ants (including fire ants). These insects are in the order Hymenoptera, and they sometimes bite the Hymenoptera.

Since many of these species live in colonies, if it bites you, you may be stung by many. Although most bites cause minor health problems, some stings may cause serious health problems and even death.

Bees and wasps inject venom with a sting. (Only bees leave a sting back. The venom sacs are still attached to the stinger, and continues to poison into the skin after the bee was away to pump.) There is itching, swelling and redness at the site of puncture. The symptoms usually disappear after 20 to 30 minutes.

A wasp or yellowWasp sting is weak, very painful. But a bee has a sting more painful.

Wasp and Yellowjacket wasp stings or paper .. Bees are exposed to an infection. The infection is spread with honey bee stings (for the picnic "foreign body"), but rarely with wasps. Beesting infection usually is depicted as red lines.

Wasp stings are more likely to show allergic inflammation. A wasp sting is quite capable of many times, since they easily remove his thorn in the entry point. When a wasp sting, he would face down his hair and stabs into the skin of the victim with its sharp sting. Muscle unit then the sting deeper into the meat. Meanwhile, the poison from the venom sac is extracted by the sting and the wound. It is similar to the manner of a hypodermic needle. The chemicals in the venom causes pain and irritation of the bite.

Allergy to insect stings can be fatal. Symptoms of allergic May are weakness, dizziness, itching, in general, difficulty breathing, swelling, or in remote locations to the feeling of threatE

A second type of allergy is much less serious. This is an allergic inflammation around the bite area. Usually begins the next day and can store up to 5 days. The area is red, raised, hot, itchy and tender

Ask your doctor when it is red, painful swelling around the wound, red streaks, drainage, fever, blows to the groin or armpit upsteam the bite, or an unexplained increase in pain or tenderness

Bees and wasps inject venom through the bite of bad luck. Sometimes, especially with the bee sting can be left on the skin. The toxin is poisonous and can direct threat to the human body can cause. This injury is usually limited to areas near the bite or sting.

Other complications from insect bites to humans is not allergic, but can be painful, usually do not cause serious problems. However, multiple stings can be serious complications (such as muscle breakdown or kidney failure cause) and, rarely, even death among the non-allergic

• Even a single bite can cause in the mouth or throat inflammation responseª people obstruction airwayMost allergic reactions to bee stings and SP wa.

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